Have you been searching the web high and low to find some totally
free baby stuff? There are a lot of websites that say they offer totally
free baby stuff, but most simply cannot be trusted and are not
reliable. If you find the right place online, you really can score some
good stuff for your new baby.
Some things you can expect to get in the mail by signing up are:
- Diapers and cloth diapers
- Formula samples
- Various medicines and first aid kits
- Baby shampoos and bathing accessories
- Baby wipes and clean-up stuff
- Baby food samples
- Many different baby magazines
put, raising a new baby can be very expensive. These expenses are
usually in the form of the items listed above. Big companies such as
Gerber, Enfamil, and Johnson & Johnson give away free baby samples
in order to earn your business. Sometimes these samples are quite
sizable and for example sometimes you might receive two or three sample
diapers to try out.
For example, we recently received four samples
of baby formula from Enfamil in about one month's time. Our baby we
ended up breast feeding but this made a great gift for a friend of ours
that was expecting a newborn. We also started receiving Baby Magazine
and American Baby for free. These are just a couple examples of the
things you can expect to get.
With a reliable website that has
partnered with these big companies, you can expect to receive a few
things every month completely free. Some months you might even get a few
more things sent to you.
So you are probably asking yourself what
is the big catch? Basically by providing a valid name, address and
e-mail address you are giving the company the right to market to you in
the future for various baby products. You can opt out of these e-mails
and mailings at any time but usually people choose to stay on these
lists to keep receiving some good free stuff. I know I do not mind a
couple e-mails here and there in exchange for receiving totally free
baby stuff. We have saved some pretty good money by getting this free
I actually have signed up twice with two addresses and two
email address which allows me to get twice the stuff free. These samples
make great gifts for new parents or expecting parents. When I get the
same things twice I simply give the samples away as gifts. I have
friends who even donate them to shelters and hospitals to help other new
mom's out.